I do not just preach grass-roots, sustainable charity: I live it. During my first trip to Kenya I met a young boy called Dossi.

I had never planned to “sponsor” a child, though I use the word sponsor sceptically as that alludes to monetary factors. In all cases Dossi is my son, my Brother, family and money feeds his education but I support him as if I were his Mother.

In Dossi I saw a drive, a passion to step out of the situation he was in and educate himself to a further means. In sending Dossi to boarding school it is not simply breaking the cycle of street living, it is breaking the cycle of poverty for future generations.

I see in educating Dossi- and in that enabling him access to University, a job and a certain standard of living- it is allowing this way of life for his children and his children’s children.

As the generations multiply they breed with the foundation of education, work and stability; not poverty.

For more information on Phoebe Crowder and her work please see her website and her Blog