“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”
This African proverb captures how One Life International has worked for over a quarter of a century, bringing together the best that we all have in order to bring to life the change we want to see overseas and in the UK.
We haven’t sought to build personal ‘kingdoms’ but, in collaboration and partnership with many, create environments and movements where individuals and communities can flourish, see their innate gifts and life purpose recognised, and be released.
This has been underpinned through partnerships and collaboration that have released funding and support in excess of £12m.
A previous collaboration was with Tearfund, an experienced and highly respected international humanitarian charity working in over 50 countries, in areas of greatest need.
One Life International brought to this collaboration wide experiential knowledge, global networks and a visionary pioneering perspective, not just to meet current needs for the global connectivity of these remarkable social pioneers, but the wider need to embrace other actors in this field of community transformation.
We co-designed – with our international partners, on the front line of human suffering – the building of a global peer-to-peer learning, self-care and leadership development environment that utilises the rapid advances in social technology and connectivity; a project of global empowerment and scaling.
This exciting collaboration allowed us to capitalise on current and emerging technologies, and immersive learning, to build a community of transformational community co-creators who are addressing some of the world’s greatest humanitarian and ecological challenges.