Leadership and Organisational Coaching, Mentoring, and Therapeutic Services:

Help me “grow under the load” (J.G Claverhouse); stress and exhaustion cause 70% of leaders to regularly consider resigning. Leadership can be onerous, having an acute impact, and when such pressures go unchecked, the negative influence on the individual and others around them can be significant.

We deliver bespoke coaching, mentoring, and counselling services to help enhance personal and organisation growth, impact, performance, and resilience. We draw on over 25-year experience of working in developing countries, in the mission field and micro-enterprises across the African continent and Latin America. Today we help support those undertaking the same, either in-country or remotely.

We combine this holistic approach as we recognise the need to ‘see’ the whole person, not just their role or job title. We are complete beings with busy lives. We help you make sense of it.


Since the mid 90’s, One Life International has been called upon to offer its cross-sector, faith, and cultural insights in bringing clarity and advice, support, funding, creative financing, and strategy to others in community mobilisation, whether that be Charities, Social Enterprise or Corporate Social Responsibility.

Some Previous Clients:

Air Miles© (Avios) – Corporate Social Responsibility/ Staff engagement)

Tearfund – 2-year contract/Global Empowerment & Scaling – Research and application of findings to develop a global peer-peer learning community of inspired community leaders, creating social movements of justice.

Age Concern – Team and Staff Development workshops.

HM Treasury – Delivery of ChangeUp in South East England. Third Sector consultation in the transformation of the UK’s CVS, providing targeted capacity building for the restructuring of the Community Voluntary and Community Sector.

Amos Trust – 18-month UK charity consortium contract/Interim Director. Advising and delivering culturally sensitive leadership development and capacity building in post-conflict Burundi.

Wokingham Borough Council: Executive Strategy Development. Partnering with the charity sector for local community service delivery.

Alongside the outworking of our practical initiatives, we continue to share our journey of experiential learning with other pioneering individuals, NGOs and local and national Government departments helping bring the community together to forge answers and outcomes that positively and sustainably impact society.